Dennis Magnusson
Born and raised on a farm in Alberta, Dennis showed artistic talent in high school, but went on to college and was consumed by music and the business world for 35 years, living in Edmonton, Kingston, Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver. His talent lay dormant until he started drawing and painting in 1998. Now retired from business and living in the Vancouver area with his wife Celsa, Dennis devotes his full time to the visual arts. His current passion is oversized acrylic paintings of flowers.
The first artistic attempts were with pencil, the appeal was the ability to accomplish fine detail, shadows and highlights. The need for colour soon developed into a focus on acrylic paint and flower subjects. That combination became a passion which continues to this day.
Dennis joined a group of painters doing plein air outdoor trips, but the need for detail was in conflict
with the plein air necessity for speed, so it was back to the studio painting flowers. Several art galleries have carried Dennis’ paintings, in BC, Alberta, Quebec and Hawaii.
Dennis’ paintings have been featured in many art magazines, including the cover of Arabella’s “The Love of Flowers”

Dennis' original floral paintings can be viewed at the following galleries: Picture This Gallery in Sherwood Park (Edmonton) Alberta 780-467-3038, and the Galerie d'art Au P'tit Bonheur in La Malbaie, Quebec, 418-665-2060

By Dennis Magnusson
These are some of my early paintings in the late 1990s in pencil and gradually moving into acrylic.